Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Is the Versatility of a Law Degree Just a Myth?

I agree with this assessment 100%! A law degree offers no versatility AT ALL! Besides that the law degree is totally wothless with respect to the pursuit of a "non-traditional career" a law license is so jusridiction specific that it becomes virtually impossible to move around the country. Those of us who attended second tier lawschools are often stuck in the designated regions that our "regional lawschools" serve! Next, law school teaches nothing about the actual practice of law so it becomes too easy to become pigeon-holed in a specific practice area. Then conflict issues often keep practitioners from even moving from one firm to another within a given field and geographic area or law firms become nasty and vindictive when associates try to leave. Although the law has given me a career I often consider the decision to attend law school one of the worst of my life primarily because of the total lack of versatility the degree offers.

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